Revision History
- 10 October 2024: Released FirmaSAT version 10.70.35 (updated for latest catCartaPorte.xsd, modified by SAT 2024/10/09).
- 13 September 2024: Released FirmaSAT version 10.70.34 (updated for latest catCartaPorte.xsd, modified by SAT 2024/09/11).
- 31 July 2024: Released FirmaSAT version 10.70.33 (put back support for CartaPorte 2.0).
- 27 July 2024: Released FirmaSAT version 10.70.32 (updated for latest catCartaPorte.xsd, modified by SAT 2024/07/26).
- 19 June 2024: Released FirmaSAT version 10.70.30 (added support for complemento Carte Porte, released by SAT 2024/06/17).
- 7 June 2024: Released FirmaSAT version 10.70.20 (updated for latest cfdv40.xsd and changes to CURP, modified by SAT 2024/06/05).
- 16 May 2024: Released FirmaSAT version 10.70.10 (updated for latest catComExt.xsd, modified by SAT 2024/05/14).
- 7 April 2024: Released FirmaSAT version 10.70.00 with improved support for private key files and updated for latest catCartaPorte.xsd (modified by SAT 2024/04/05).
- 20 March 2024: Released FirmaSAT version 10.60.51 (updated for latest catCartaPorte.xsd, modified by SAT 2024/03/19).
- 10 January 2024: Released FirmaSAT version 10.60.50 (updated for latest catCartaPorte.xsd, modified by SAT 2024/01/25).
- 1 January 2024: Released FirmaSAT version 10.60.40 with support for Comercio Exterior v2.0, issued by SAT 2023/12/19.
- 21 December 2023: Released FirmaSAT version 10.60.30 (updated for latest catCartaPorte.xsd, modified by SAT 2023/12/20).
- 13 December 2023: Released FirmaSAT version 10.60.20 (updated for latest catCFDI.xsd, modified by SAT 2023/12/12).
- 12 October 2023: Released FirmaSAT version 10.60.10 (updated for latest catCartaPorte.xsd, modified by SAT 2023/10/06).
- 1 October 2023: Released FirmaSAT version 10.60.00 (added support for complemento Carta Porte released by SAT 2023/09/25).
- 12 July 2023: Released FirmaSAT version 10.50.30 (updated for latest catComExt.xsd, modified by SAT 2023/07/07).
- 31 May 2023: Released FirmaSAT version 10.50.29 (updated for latest catCFDI.xsd, modified by SAT 2023/05/29).
- 22 March 2023: Released FirmaSAT version 10.50.28 (fixed validation issue with CuentaPredial/@Numero, and fixed encoding issue when reading file as .NET string).
- 12 January 2023: Released FirmaSAT version 10.50.27 (updated for change to precision for EquivalenciaDR in Pagos20.xsd, modified by SAT 2023/01/07).
- 30 December 2022: Released FirmaSAT version 10.50.26 (updated for latest catCartaPorte.xsd, modified by SAT 2022/12/28).
- 26 December 2022: Released FirmaSAT version 10.50.25 (updated for latest catCFDI.xsd, modified by SAT 2022/12/24).
- 14 December 2022: Released FirmaSAT version 10.50.24 (updated for latest catCartaPorte.xsd and catComExt.xsd, modified by SAT 2022/12/07 and 2022/12/12).
- 6 October 2022: Released FirmaSAT version 10.50.23 (updated for ObjetoImp in catCFDI.xsd, modified by SAT 2022/10/04).
- 5 July 2022: Released FirmaSAT version 10.50.22 (updated for latest catComExt.xsd, modified by SAT 2022/07/02).
- 25 June 2022: Released FirmaSAT version 10.50.21 (updated for latest catCartaPorte.xsd, modified by SAT 2022/06/24).
- 25 May 2022: Released FirmaSAT version 10.50.20 (updated for latest catCartaPorte.xsd, modified by SAT 2022/05/24; plus fix for Mercancia/Dimensiones regex).
- 2 April 2022: Released FirmaSAT version 10.50.12 (updated for latest catCartaPorte.xsd, modified by SAT 2022/04/01).
- 17 March 2022: Released FirmaSAT version 10.50.11 (updated for latest catComExt.xsd, modified by SAT 2022/03/15).
- 12 March 2022: Released new FirmaSAT version 10.50 for Windows.
- 3 March 2022: Released FirmaSAT version 10.40.24 (fixed issue with optional Importe in Traslado).
- 26 February 2022: Released FirmaSAT version 10.40.23 (updated for latest catCFDI.xsd, modified by SAT 2022/02/25).
- 25 February 2022: Released FirmaSAT version 10.40.22 (added extra checks before signing; updated for latest catCartaPorte.xsd, modified by SAT 2022/02/24).
- 23 January 2022: Released FirmaSAT version 10.40.21 with update for changes to c_UsoCFDI in catalog catCFDI.xsd.
- 31 December 2021: Released FirmaSAT version 10.40.20 with update for changes to Complemento Carta Porte v2.0 and catCartaPorte.xsd, modified by SAT 2021/12/30.
- 20 December 2021: Released FirmaSAT version 10.40.1 (updated to fix TFD issue).
- 17 December 2021: Released FirmaSAT version 10.40 with support for CFDi v4.0, Complemento Pagos v2.0 and CFDI Retenciones v2.0.
- 4 December 2021: Released FirmaSAT version 10.2.2 (updated for latest catCartaPorte and catComExt.xsd, modified by SAT 2021‑12‑03/04).
- 23 November 2021: Released FirmaSAT version 10.2.1 (updated for latest catCartaPorte and catComExt.xsd, modified by SAT 2021‑11‑22/23).
- 20 November 2021: Released FirmaSAT version 10.2 with update for changes to Complemento Carta Porte v2.0, modified by SAT 2021/11/18.
- 7 November 2021: Released FirmaSAT version 10.1 with support for Complemento Carta Porte v2.0, compulsory from 1 January 2022.
- 8 September 2021: Released FirmaSAT version 10.0 for Windows.
- 2 July 2021: Released FirmaSAT version 9.3.11 (updated for latest catCartaPorte.xsd, modified by SAT 2021/07/01).
- 18 May 2021: Released FirmaSAT version 9.3.10 (updated for latest CartaPorte.xsd, modified by SAT 2021/05/15).
- 8 May 2021: Released FirmaSAT version 9.3 for Windows with support for Complemento Carta Porte.
- 28 February 2021: Released FirmaSAT version 9.2.15 (updated for latest catComExt.xsd, modified by SAT 2021/02/23).
- 16 January 2021: Released FirmaSAT version 9.2.14 (updated for latest catComExt.xsd, modified by SAT 2021/01/08).
- 3 January 2021: Released FirmaSAT version 9.2.13 (updated for latest catCFDI.xsd, modified by SAT 2020/12/29).
- 29 December 2020: Released FirmaSAT version 9.2.12 (updated for latest FraccionArancelaria enumerations in catComExt.xsd, modified by SAT 2020/12/22).
- 24 October 2020: Released FirmaSAT version 9.2.11 (updated for latest catComExt.xsd, modified by SAT 2020/10/22).
- 7 September 2020: Released FirmaSAT version 9.2.10 (updated for latest catComExt.xsd, modified by SAT 2020/09/04).
- 6 August 2020: Released FirmaSAT version 9.2.0 (improvements in handling .NET/VBA strings).
- 27 May 2020: Released FirmaSAT version 9.1.82 (updated for latest catCFDI.xsd, modified by SAT 2020/05/22).
- 12 April 2020: Released FirmaSAT version 9.1.81 (updated for latest catNomina.xsd, modified by SAT 2020/04/08).
- 15 March 2020: Released FirmaSAT version 9.1.80 (updated for latest catComExt.xsd, modified by SAT 2020/03/13).
- 25 February 2020: Released FirmaSAT version 9.1.70 (updated for latest catComExt.xsd, modified by SAT 2020/02/13).
- 2 February 2020: Released FirmaSAT version 9.1.60 (updated for latest catComExt.xsd, modified by SAT 2020/01/31).
- 16 January 2020: Released FirmaSAT version 9.1.50 (updated for latest catCFDI.xsd, modified by SAT 2020/01/13).
- 15 December 2019: Released FirmaSAT version 9.1.40 (updated for latest Recibo de nómina versión 1.2 revisión B).
- 30 September 2019: Released FirmaSAT version 9.1.30 (updated for latest catComExt.xsd, modified by SAT 2019/09/27).
- 10 May 2019: Released FirmaSAT version 9.1.20 (updated for latest catComExt.xsd, fix for multiple thread issues).
- 25 October 2018: Released FirmaSAT version 9.1 for Windows.
- 31 August 2018: Minor update FirmaSAT version 9.0.2 (fix error if Impuestos element found in Addenda).
- 10 July 2018: Minor update FirmaSAT version 9.0.1 (fix for TotalAllowanceCharge element in detallista complemento) .
- 26 June 2018: Released FirmaSAT version 9.0 for Windows
with support for
Estado de Cuenta Combustible versión 1.2 (ecc12),
Consumo de combustibles versión 1.1 (consumodecombustibles11), and
Controles Volumétricos para Gasolina o Diesel versión 1.2 (controlesvolumetricos).
- 10 December 2017: Released FirmaSAT version 8.2 for Windows.
- 18 August 2017: Minor updates FirmaSAT version 8.1.3.
- 18 August 2017: Released
FirmaSAT version 8.1.2 for Windows
to reflect changes in
updated by SAT 12 August 2017.
- 8 June 2017: Released
FirmaSAT version 8.1 for Windows
with hopefully final support for CFDi v3.3 (Anexo 20 Versión 3.3)
and complemento Pagos10 (Complemento para recepción de Pagos).
Added support for Contabilidad en medios electrónicos v1.3.
- 10 May 2017: Updated to
FirmaSAT version 8.0.1.
Mandatory update to fix error when computing digest and signature for CFDi v3.3.
- 5 May 2017: Released
FirmaSAT version 8.0 for Windows
with provisional support for CFDi v3.3 (Anexo 20 Versión 3.3)
and complemento Pagos10 (Complemento para recepción de Pagos).
- 19 February 2017: Released
FirmaSAT version 7.4.2 for Windows
with updates for modifications made by SAT to nomina12 in January 2017.
- 21 November 2016: Released
FirmaSAT version 7.4 for Windows
with support for complementos
and ComercioExterior11.xsd
- 29 July 2016: Released
FirmaSAT version 7.3.10 for Windows
with support for complemento
- 19 March 2016: Released
FirmaSAT version 7.3 for Windows with support
for complementos
(Comercio Exterior) and
issued by SAT March 2016.
- 23 January 2016: Updated to
FirmaSAT version 7.2.3.
Fixed minor issues with empty nodes.
- 6 November 2015: Updated to
FirmaSAT version 7.2.2.
Fixed location of
element revised by SAT 3 November.
- 2 November 2015: Released
FirmaSAT version 7.2.1 for Windows with support
for new complementos
and ecc11.xsd
- 15 August 2015: Released
FirmaSAT version 7.2 for Windows with support
for complemento
and extra options in QUERYCERT functions.
- 2 July 2015: Released
FirmaSAT version 7.1 for Windows with support
for complementos
- 2 February 2015: Updated to
FirmaSAT version 7.0.2.
- 12 January 2015: Released
FirmaSAT version 7.0 for Windows with support
for Contabilidad electrónica and
Controles volumétricos.
- 19 December 2014: Released
FirmaSAT version 6.0 for Windows with support
for Retenciones e información de pagos.
- 26 October 2014: Released
FirmaSAT version 5.4.3 for Windows with support for complementos
- 21 August 2014: Released
FirmaSAT version 5.4.2 for Windows with support for complementos
- 19 July 2014: Released
FirmaSAT version 5.4.1 for Windows with support for
- 18 May 2014: Released
FirmaSAT version 5.4 for Windows with support for
- 27 January 2014: Released
FirmaSAT version 5.3.
- 4 January 2014: Released
FirmaSAT version 5.2.2 with support for the latest supplement for the
sale of vehicles (
- 29 December 2013: Released
FirmaSAT version 5.2.1 with update for recent changes (as published 2013-12-18 by SAT) for payroll
supplement (
- 13 December 2013: Released
FirmaSAT version 5.2 for Windows with support for payroll
supplement (
- 17 September 2013: Released FirmaSAT version 5.1.4.
A recompilation of all Windows executables with minor fixes for obscure XML issues.
- 25 September 2012: Released FirmaSAT version 5.1.2a
with minor update to the FirmaSAT.exe command-line utility to fix occasional problem displaying Windows OEM characters with -w option;
updates to manual; and revised programming tests to use latest test files from SAT.
- 14 July 2012: Released FirmaSAT version 5.1.2
to fix error with
function for Complemento Concepto VentaVehiculos.
- 11 May 2012: Released FirmaSAT version 5.1.1
with fix for Comprobante/@SerieFolioFiscalOrig node in SAT version 3.2, erronously omitted in preliminary regulations issued by SAT.
- 23 March 2012: Released FirmaSAT version 5.1
with new features.
- 7 January 2012: Released FirmaSAT version 5.0.1
with fix for Emisor/@Nombre node in new versions 2.2 and 3.2.
- 29 December 2011: Released FirmaSAT version 5.0.0.
- 14 July 2011: Released FirmaSAT version 4.1 with fix for
UTF-8 byte-order mark.
- 5 July 2011: Released FirmaSAT version 4.0.0.
This is now a self-contained stand-alone program no longer dependent on CryptoSys PKI.
- 5 January 2011: Updated .NET interface library
to fix display problems with UTF-8 characters
with Sat.MakePipeStringFromXml() and Sat.GetXmlAttribute() when using VB.NET and C#.
Updated test XML files with 2011 dates.
- 25 December 2010: Released FirmaSAT version 3.0.0.
- 2 November 2010: Released FirmaSAT version 2.1.0
with the option to use the SHA-1 algorithm in signatures.
- 12 August 2010: Added 64-bit executables to setup program and improved installation process.
- 20 May 2010: Upgraded to FirmaSAT version 2.0.2 with various fixes.
- 13 January 2010: Released FirmaSAT version 2.0.0.
- 8 August 2007: Minor fixes to version 1.0.
- 6 August 2007: First published FirmaSAT version 1.0.0.