Here is a quick guide to creating a C# command-line application using Microsoft Visual Studio. This is for VS 2013.
Project > Add Reference > Browse and search for
C:\Program Files (x86)\CryptoSysPKI\DotNet\diCrSysPKINet.dllThe installation program should have copied the .NET library DLL file into the directory
C:\Program Files (x86)\CryptoSysPKI\DotNet
. Yes, thats "x86" even on a 64-bit platform.
If you are using a 32-bit machine, then it will be in C:\Program Files\CryptoSysPKI\DotNet
If not, you may get a Exception from HRESULT:0x8007000B error.
using System;
using System.Text;
using System.Diagnostics;
using CryptoSysPKI;
static void Main(string[] args) {
Console.WriteLine("PKI Version={0}", General.Version());
This should output PKI Version=200301
, or similar, depending on the actual version you have.
If it fails with Unable to load DLL 'diCrPKI.dll'
, you need to re-install it.
See the manual page Using with .NET for more documentation.
For more information, please send us a message.
This page last updated 4 February 2022