To call the CryptoSys PKI Pro functions
from a classic Visual Basic VB6 project or VBA application,
just add the module basCrPKI.bas
to your project
(VBA users should delete the first line Attribute VB_Name = "basCrPKI"
, basCrPKI64_32.bas
and basCrPKIWrappers.bas
must not be used and should be deleted from your projects.
The module basCrPKI.bas
and distribution test code will be found in the VBA sub-directory of the installation folder, typically
C:\Program Files (x86)\CryptoSysPKI\VBA
(or C:\Program Files\CryptoSysPKI\VBA
on a 32-bit machine).
To find the installation folder, use Start > All Programs > CryptoSysPKI > CryptoSys PKI Reference Files.
For examples, see the test code provided in the distribution.