Python for xmlsq

Perform simplified or full XPath 1.0 queries on an XML document.


A Python interface to xmlsq <>.

class xmlsq.Gen

General diagnostic info about the core library DLL.

static compile_time()

Return date and time the core library DLL was last compiled.

static core_platform()

Return the platform for which the core library DLL was compiled: Win32 or Win64.

static module_name()

Return full path name of the current process’s core library DLL.

static version()

Return the release version of the core library DLL as an integer value.

exception xmlsq.Error(value)

Raised when a call to a core library function returns an error, e.g. unable to execute query, or some obviously wrong parameter is detected.

class xmlsq.Opts

Option flags.

ASCIIFY = 4096

Asciify the output as XML character references [default=UTF-8-encoded].


Use default options.

RAW = 8192

Output nodeset in raw format [default=prettify with tabs and newlines].

TRIM = 16384

Trim leading and trailing whitespace (and collapse whitespace for an attribute value).

xmlsq.get_text(xmlfile, query, opts=0)

Extract text from the first matching XML node.

  • xmlfile (str) – Name of input XML file.

  • query (str) – XPath 1.0 expression to select a node. This must evaluate to a node or node set.

  • opts (Opts) – Option flags (add with ‘|’ operator).


String containing the extracted text.

Return type


  • If query evaluates to a single element with content, then the text content will be output.

  • If query evaluates to an attribute, then the attribute value will be output.

  • If query evaluates to a node set, then the content of the first matching node will be returned as a string, including any markup.

  • If no matching node is found, an empty string "" is returned.

  • No distinction is made between a match on an empty element and no match at all. Use xmlsq.count() to differentiate between a match on an empty element (returns > 0) and no match at all (returns 0).

xmlsq.full_query(xmlfile, query, opts=0)

Perform a full XPath query on the XML input outputting the result as a string.

  • xmlfile (str) – Name of input XML file.

  • query (str) – XPath 1.0 expression.

  • opts (Opts) – Option flags (add with ‘|’ operator).


The result of the full XPath 1.0 query as a string.

Return type



query may be any valid XPath 1.0 expression. The result is always output as a string. So, for example, the number 1.5 will be output as the string “1.500000”.

xmlsq.count(xmlfile, query)

Compute the count for the XPath query.

  • xmlfile (str) – Name of input XML file.

  • query (str) – XPath 1.0 expression. This must evaluate to a node or node set.


The integer value of count(query).

Return type


Indices and tables